Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vote for the Best Friday/Saturday Night TV Shows

Please check out the following links on You Tube and then vote on the side bar for your favorite Friday/Saturday night TV show when you were growing up.
As you can see from below I grew up watching TV in the late 70's and early 80's

Dukes of Hazzard

BJ and the Bear

The Love Boat

Fantasy Island

Hee Haw (Gloom Despair and Agony)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nolan Showing Off His Eating Skills

This is what happens when you let your 
one year old eat a cup of yogurt by himself.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Too Young For Video Games ?

Here is a short video of Hayden (5 yrs) and Nolan (14 months) playing 
their new Wii that they received for Christmas. 
Pretty amazing how Nolan picks up on what to do from his big brother.

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